TheQuartering [10/16/2023]
Amidst the latest tragic developments in the Israeli-Hamas conflict, Amy Schumer, the 42-year-old comedian and actress, has chosen to open up about her deeply personal experiences with anti-semitism and her family’s connection to the Holocaust. On Friday, October 13, she took to Instagram to share her heartfelt reflections.
In her Instagram post, Schumer shared a poignant glimpse into her upbringing, noting the indelible impact of her uncle Alex, who bore the Auschwitz tattooed numbers on his forearm. She recounted attending Hebrew school and reading countless books about the Holocaust, an experience that is common among Jewish children.
Schumer candidly expressed the pain of encountering the world’s confusing hatred directed toward the Jewish community, revealing that she had been ridiculed for her Jewish heritage by both fellow students and parents.
“As a child I grew up, with uncle Alex, numbers from Auschwitz burned into his forearm,” Amy wrote in her post. “Attending Hebrew school reading endless books about the holocaust like all Jewish children do. Learning of the worlds confusing hatred for us. Was ridiculed for being Jewish by the students and parents alike.”
“I’m not laughing anymore or being quiet anymore,” Schumer boldly declared in her post. “I’m proud to be descended from a population they have tried to exterminate over and over again thousands of years. My ancestors fought too hard and survived too much for me to sit quietly. I am Jewish. I am proud.”
Schumer, who has previously used her platform to tackle issues of social justice, conveyed her heartfelt sympathy for the people of Israel and Gaza, emphasising the importance of recognising that Palestinians are not synonymous with Hamas, a militant group that seeks to destroy Israel.
“I love my Palestinian brothers and sisters,” she stated, highlighting her commitment to empathy and understanding. Schumer encouraged her followers to offer support by donating and checking in on their Jewish and Palestinian friends during these challenging times.