TheQuartering [3/15/2023]
“I’m back.”
Conservative journalist James O’Keefe didn’t use Michael Jordan’s exact words, but he announced his return Wednesday, with another well-known allusion, fit for the date.
“The Ides of March have come. We launch today,” he wrote on Twitter in announcing the start of the O’Keefe Media Group.
Yes … that’s “OMG.”
The ousted Project Veritas leader said his new enterprise will focus on citizen journalism and solicited allies in that fight.
“We can never be shut down again, because not only do I own it, but you do too. Support us and sponsor our army of journalists by becoming a founding member today,” he said on the site.
According to the website, OMG is “empowering and equipping a movement of thousands of people like you to report things that are wrong, with the support of an in-house team of elite journalists to bring factual, unbiased stories to light.”