The results of the poll conducted by Neil Newhouse of Public Opinion Strategies revealed that Americans overwhelmingly hated the fact that Gina was fired.
According to BoundingIntoComics:
A new poll claims that Americans overwhelmingly believe that Disney’s firing of Gina Carano from The Mandalorian was unjust.
The results of the poll conducted by Neil Newhouse of Public Opinion Strategies was exclusively released via The Daily Wire, the company Carano inked a deal with to produce in and star in an upcoming film after she was fired by Disney.
According to the results of the poll, which were conducted between February 26th and March 3rd, 58% of respondents were opposed to Disney’s decision to fire Carano.
The Daily Wire’s Amanda Prestigiacomo reports, “When first asked, Americans were found to oppose Disney’s decision to fire Carano by 58%-42%, including a majority of Americans across all age groups, gender, and ethnicity; majorities of Republican and Independents similarly opposed the firing, as well as 40% of Democrats.”
However, when respondents were actually shown the social media post in question that resulted in Carano’s firing, the number of respondents opposing Disney jumped to 72%.
Prestigiacomo breaks down the numbers, “After reviewing the post, 28% said Disney was right to fire Carano, 39% said it may have been poorly worded, but she did not deserve to get fired, and 34% said they found nothing wrong with the quote and that Carano should not have been fired.”
The social media post in question was a screen shot of a post from warriorpriestgympodcast that Carano shared to her Instagram Stories.