Dr Disrespect called Hasan a “fat phony” and said that he should worry about himself after the Twitch star criticized the Docs loyalty amid NICKMERC’s operator bundle being removed from Call of Duty.
FaZe star NICKMERCS was heavily criticized on social media for saying “they should leave little children alone,” to a tweet showing a protest over Pride Month being recognized in a school.
This resulted in Call of Duty removing his bundle from MW2 and Warzone 2. An action that Dr Disrespect called “an embarrassing one,” as he uninstalled the game and pledged to not play it again until NICKMERCS receives an official apology.
Hasan reacted to his decision on stream and criticized it saying “he’s more loyal to NICKMERC’s having his skin [in the store] than his own wife.”
Dr Disrespect and his fans did not appreciate Hasan digging up the two-time’s past in such a manner, and he addressed the comment on his own livestream.
The Doc stated “just worry about yourself, and what’s close to you” in regard to the comments Hasan made.
He continued, calling Hasan a “fat phony” among other things, and concluded that Hasan “wouldn’t say these types of things if we are standing next to each other. Because he knows there are repercussions.”
The reactions to the feud between the two seem to be mixed, with some saying that the Twitch streamer took it too far.
“Doc spitting straight facts,” wrote one viewer. While another comment displayed a similar sentiment: “Hasan and his viewers are so cringe.”