If this piece of garbage stays attached to this film, I will make it my mission to let every human on Earth know about his terrible opinions.
A new Superman movie reboot is in the works, with J.J. Abrams producing. The Man of Steel has received quite a few cinematic outings over the years, with Christopher Reeve playing some of the most beloved. In more recent years, Brandon Routh lead a new reboot in 2006’s Superman Returns, but it was a franchise non-starter. In 2013, Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel introduced the world to a new Superman, played by Henry Cavill. Cavill went on to appear in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League; his Superman will again be seen in Zack Snyder’s Justice League when it releases next month.
However, Cavill’s future as Superman has been in doubt for a few years now. Reports of Cavill’s exit from his DCEU role as Superman first surfaced in 2018. Though they were refuted at the time, there’s been no news of when Cavill might return as the Man of Steel and no projects are in active development. As recently as May 2020, there were reports that Cavill was in talks to return as Superman, but perhaps talks broke down. Now it seems Warner Bros. is looking to reboot the franchise entirely.