It was a toxic work environment, apparently.
Ruby Rose, the former star of The CW’s Batwoman series, finally revealed to fans the true reason for her sudden departure from the show. In May 2020, Rose stepped down from her lead role as Kate Kane. Her resignation from the show was never a secret, but the details as to why have remained hidden, until now.
Who knows what exactly sparked Rose to suddenly state, “Enough is enough. I’m going to tell the world what really happened on that set.” It could be due to the fact that Batwoman has since replaced Rose and chose actress Wallis Day to carry on the role. Perhaps this is Rose’s way of protecting and warning those such as Day, who may be newcomers to this cast, that this is not a safe space to work at all or to simply spread awareness. Whatever the reason, Rose chose to lead with vulnerability and shared many appalling instances that she had either experienced herself or bore witness to while on the set of Batwoman.