What’s going on?
Reports continue to surface about the background of Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, beyond the favorable light the establishment media described.
Earlier, it was revealed that she donated to Marxist-inspired groups, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and other leftist causes.
But a new story from The National Pulse uncovered Haugen’s old Twitter account that sheds more light into her Marxist-sympathizing background.
(Further verifying the @frizy Twitter account, a tweet from June 22, 2009, links to Haugen’s travel blog, as well as another linking the Facebook whistleblower to their old job at Google.)
The National Pulse dug up old tweets from Haugen’s old Twitter account:
- (Feb. 15, 2009): “Awesome table of diversity at Cafe Neto: 2 women, 4 men; indian, red head, blonde, african american, and asian – never seen it in Boston”
- (Feb.18, 2009): “Just bought my small cousin a bunch of comic books from the Introducing Philosophy series: Baudrillard, Focault, PoMo x3, Marx, semiotics”
- (June 11, 2009): “Just walked past a man & woman fighting about money on sidewalk – contemplat how world would be different if women were $$ly independent.””
- (June 23, 2009): “I am the worse seatmate ever. I have a cough/runny nose, I haven’t bathed in 2 days of moving, and I literally have an oozing wound :-(“
- (Sept. 7, 2009): “Also, re: my MDW -> BOS flight: the nice thing about flirting with Brown men is they laugh at math jokes even if they were PoliSci”
Haugen’s tweet about purchasing comic books for her “small cousin” mentioned the works of socialist revolutionary Karl Marx as well as communist philosopher and pedophilia apologist Michel Foucault. In 1977, he signed a petition calling for the effective legalization of pedophilia in France, according to The National Pulse.