This was an amazing story, and I really hope to see more game developers who refuse to bend the knee.
Since announcing the release of Sense – A Cyberpunk Ghost Story on the Nintendo Switch, publisher Top Hat Studios has received a staggering amount of messages demanding the studio to censor its latest title. Top Hat Studios’ response to these demands? “The game will not be censored. We categorically refuse.”
Sense – A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is a side-scrolling horror game set in 2083 Neo Hong Kong that released on Steam on August 25, 2020 to mostly positive reviews. Yet, soon after announcing plans to port the game to the Nintendo Switch, the publisher was met with censorship demands from outraged consumers. While Japanese games like the Final Fantasy 8 Remaster often face censorship in some fashion before their Western release, Top Hat Studios has made its anti-censorship stance clear in an official statement on Twitter.