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May 17, 2023

Woke Gun Company DELETES Tweets After MASSIVE Backlash!

TheQuartering [5/17/2023]

According to Breitbart:

Gunmaker Heckler & Koch tweeted agreement Tuesday with Miller Lite’s woke campaign against using sexy women — “bunnies” — to sell products, then doubled down in a second tweet, describing ad campaigns that objectify women as “trash marketing.”

On Monday, Graham Allen tweeted the Miller Light commercial, expressing his shock that Miller Lite appeared to repeat Bud Light’s mistake.

He wrote, “Did NOBODY learn from Bud Light’s COSTLY mistake? Miller Lite just dropped this WOKE advertisement!!! When will these beer companies learn????”

Later on Monday, Heckler & Koch responded to Graham’s tweet by expressing their support for not using “bunnies” to sell beer or guns.

On Tuesday, Heckler & Koch doubled down, responding to accusations that they have become “woke” by giving a detailed explanation of their opposition of “objectifying women” in selling guns:

As an actual woman typing this, I’ll use more words for you to comprehend: using bunnies to sell products is trash marketing. Supporting women by not doing that is good.

H&K also addressed  Miller Lite’s “non-bikini” focus and gave them props for pivoting toward the use of “actual women.”

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