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March 21, 2022

Brie Larson Just Got CANCELLED Over Her New Video! Fans RAGE & Blame Her Boyfriend For RUINING Her

TheQuartering [3/21/2022]


The world seems to be going through a change in terms of currency and what is considered art in this day and age. Cryptocurrency has taken over the world, and tons of people have been flocking to the digital way of trading in the supposed wave of the future of digital money. NFTs are also the biggest draw and seem to be the placeholders for online art or at least the receipt for owning a piece of art that exists in a digital world. It’s all a bit complicated. Now Brie Larson has taken to her Instagram to show off her life in the Metaverse and the NFT game that she is a part of.

The Metaverse has also exploded onto the scene as the virtual world that celebrities have bought houses and land in, leaving the public to want to also follow suit by buying virtual property. The whole NFT and Metaverse deal is highly controversial. So much so, that fans of Brie Larson are upset in her buying into all the digital hype. Fans have been flocking to Twitter to show their displeasure.

We love a good layered joke. Blending the Brie Larson disappointment with the potential disappointment of the Star Wars prequels works well here. We also can’t follow this path

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