TheQuartering [2/22/2021]
Imagine if this company had said any other color in this training…
Coca-Cola has used a training video by antiracist activist Robin DiAngelo that tells employees to “try to be less white,” according to “unwoke activist” Karlyn Borysenko based on information from what she says is a company whistleblower. Borysenko, who is also a psychologist, YouTuber, and creator of Zen Workplace, put a video of the training online. Borysenko often speaks out against critical race theory and corporate race training.
The 49-minute training video by DiAngelo, author of the book “White Fragility,” is titled “Confronting Racism.” Right away the course establishes that all white people are born racist. “Nothing exempts any white person from the forces of racism,” says DiAngelo. “When you accept the reality of your socialization, you can begin to examine how you’ve been shaped by it.”