TheQuartering [11/24/2020]
The crazy fools of Twitter and Reset Era have once again come after CD Projekt Red & Cyberpunk 2077 in a lame attempt to boycott the game.
The final size of Cyberpunk 2077 remains to be seen, but even though it’s supposed to be “smaller” than The Witcher 3, it is looking to be much “denser.” Also what “small” means for a CDPR game is on another plane of existence, given that even the DLCs from the studios are larger than most full-size games.
Now we may have a glimpse at how much there is to extract from Cyberpunk 2077 in terms of total playtime.
According to him this was a “slow-paced” playthrough on Hard difficulty, where “I play more stealthy than usual, loot everything, use every feature the game has to offer, I take my time.” In short, kind of how the game was mostly meant to be played.
Of course, there are factors to consider here. If you’re playing on Normal difficulty you may fail encounters less time and get through things faster. If you don’t play stealthy and go in loud you can probably clear rooms more easily and quickly, if most video games where that’s an option are anything to go by.