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September 27, 2023

Defeat YouTube Censorship & Reach 100 Million People In Just 4 Minutes & 20 seconds

TheQuartering [9/27/2023]

According to RumbleFAQS:

Any videos you own can be added to Rumble as long as they are not currently being managed exclusively on other platforms. YouTube doesn’t manage content exclusively, so any of your videos from their platform can be added to Rumble.


Ways to add your YouTube videos to Rumble

a) Upload the file

You can upload content to Rumble if you have the original video file through the upload page.


b) You can also bring your content automatically from YouTube to Rumble by using the sync feature on the Rumble website. Go to YouTube Sync to get started.

Please note, transferring content from YouTube is a slow process. It may take days or weeks to import all your videos. If your content shows pending, then all you have to do is wait for it to sync automatically.

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