TheQuartering [3/22/2021]
The show we’ll never get finally leaked.
According to Pirates&Princesses:
The Overlord DVD channel on YouTube is making big claims about a supposed leak direct from a Lucasfilm employee. The YouTube channel is known for its reporting on Star Wars and Lucasfilm, and has been right in the past with leaks about the final season of Game of Thrones and The Rise of Skywalker. Be advised, we can’t independently verify everything the channel is claiming, although some of the leaked information lines up with what we’ve heard in the past.
What is interesting about the video is that the YouTuber is claiming to have direct information from a Lucasfilm employee. That’s a pretty bold statement. Usually it’s hard to get a leak like this without having to be extremely careful about revealing any details of the source. Furthermore, the YouTuber speculates that the leak comes from an employee who is disgruntled in that they are frustrated the stories of Cara Dune will no longer come to pass. Those are some major claims.
To catch all of our dear readers up to date, Cara Dune is the character who was played by Gina Carano in the Disney+ series The Mandalorian. After Carano was targeted by large numbers of individuals on Twitter demanding she put pronouns in her bio (seen as positive in the transsexual community by some), followed by backlash to her warnings against political hostility, Carano was let go by Lucasfilm in an unprofessional leak to a trade publication. Carano has been defended by Carl Weathers, Bill Burr, Forbes magazine, and others.