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May 13, 2021

Instant Regret! Gal Gadot DEMOLISHED Over A SINGLE WORD In A Tweet! They Demand Wonder Woman Fired!

TheQuartering [5/12/2021]

I don’t want to guess exactly what was going through her mind when she tweeted this, but yikes… the backlash.

According to the NewYorkPost:

Gal Gadot‘s message of unity amid ongoing rocket attacks in the West Bank created a firestorm from online critics, who contend the former Israeli Defense Forces fighter is a “propaganda” tool for the Israeli military.

The 36-year-old “Wonder Woman” actress took to Twitter to express how her “heart breaks,” because her “country is at war,” as tensions over a disputed Jerusalem region led to deadly exchanges of rocket fire attacks between Israel and Hamas militants.

“This is a vicious cycle that has been going on for far too long,” the Israeli native tweeted Wednesday.

“Israel deserves to live as a free and safe nation, Our neighbors deserve the same. I pray for the victims and their families. I pray for this unimaginable hostility to end, I pray for our leaders to find the solution so we can live side by side in peace.”

Some Twitter users immediately took to the social network to pan the actress’s military history, accusing her of supporting “ethnic cleansing” and “mass genocide,” in remarks that are no longer visible, after Gadot disabled comments on her tweet.

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