TheQuartering [3/19/2022]
Avengers star Mark Ruffalo says concerns about how his money is used are driving his public campaign calling on the Royal Bank of Canada to stop funding the Coastal GasLink pipeline in northern B.C.
The American actor is one of more than 65 Hollywood celebrities and Indigenous climate activists who’ve signed a petition demanding that RBC and its subsidiary City National Bank (CNB) defund the natural gas pipeline.
In an interview with Gloria Macarenko, host of CBC’s On The Coast, Ruffalo said he banks with CNB, and tried to take action shortly after learning about the financial connection a few months ago.
“I said, hey guys, I don’t know if you know this, but most of your clients are fighting for climate change action and Indigenous rights, and you have our money funding the tar sands and the Coastal GasLink pipeline,” he said.
“I don’t want my money funding this, I know that people in Hollywood who’ve signed on to this letter don’t want their money funding this.”