Look, I don’t think being overweight makes you a bad person, but if you are writing articles saying it’s healthy, then yes… you are a bad person.
Cosmopolitan Magazine is glorifying obesity again with plus-size models in a feature on body positivity in its February issue.
The magazine prominently declares “This is healthy!” on its cover, illustrating visibly obese influencers for the publication’s multi-profile “11 Women Who Prove Wellness Isn’t ‘One Size Fits All.’”
“‘Healthy’ can be a loaded word,” the women’s fashion and entertainment magazine opened its article. “We asked these women to open up about their personal journeys to reclaim ‘healthy’ as their own.” The story highlights several women of diverse body types and lifestyles each chronicling turbulent relationships with their own image.
“Plus-size people often feel like they can’t be part of the wellness space,” complains Instagram star Callie Thorpe, who boasts 250,000 followers on the platform. “We are trolled for being fat, then can feel excluded from exercise because our bodies don’t fit the narrative.”