Liberal influencer Luke Beasley sits in total silence for over three minutes as Tim Pool excoriates him in defense of J6 prisoners. One of the best rants I’ve heard in a long time
“You don’t care what the facts are. You don’t care if this is unjust. You only care that the machine state has decreed, you are now to be locked up.” “This is the problem I have with the left. They don’t know the facts. They view morality as a blanket, government stroke of the pen. And every person, regardless of their crime, should be in prison for decades.”
Tim effectively summed up the entire Democratic argument as to why it’s okay to politically persecute your opponents. Don’t pay attention to the facts, just trust what the media says. Trust the authority. Democrats have abandoned their “rage against the machine” motto.
hey don’t care about the “rule of law.” They care about punishing people they disagree with. If they cared for the “rule of law” and “equal justice” they’d be calling for the imprisonment of BLM rioters with beefed up prison sentences.