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December 2, 2020

Pokimane SALTY Over New Fedmyster Document Leak About Sharing Beds & More Offline TV Drama

TheQuartering [12/2/2020]

I want to be clear, both of these people seem like rich entitled children… but that’s because Pokimane and Fedmyster are. It’s still great to watch, though.

According to Dextero:

Former Offline TV member Federico ‘Fedmyster’ Gaytan has released yet another lengthy Google Doc regarding the accusations of misconduct against him from OTV streamers, claiming he wants to “move on” from the drama.

Fedmyster was released from OTV in June 2020, after streamers LilyPichu, Yvonne and Pokimane levied accusations of harassment and inappropriate conduct against him.

Pokimane’s response:

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