TheQuartering [3/10/2021]
These people are vicious.
Serving as just the latest example of Big Tech’s targeting of conservatives, Twitter has suspended the account of popular BlazeTV host Steven Crowder for at least one week without explanation.
Crowder confirmed the suspension to TheBlaze Tuesday afternoon. He noted that he had been locked out of his account since Tuesday morning and added that the company never informed him as to why it took the action against him.
“No idea why Twitter locked me out, as in the allotted category (wherein they would include said information) was left blank,” he told TheBlaze, adding, “Behold, the modern ‘public square!'”
TheBlaze reached out to Twitter seeking an explanation for the suspension, but has not received a reply.
In follow-up emails with Crowder’s team, TheBlaze learned that Twitter had issued at least two (possibly three) separate bans for undisclosed violations starting on Mar. 9.
In emails to Crowder, the tech company simply stated, “You’re account, @scrowder has been locked for violating Twitter rules” and added, “Please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension.”
Curiously, the section where an explanation would be given, shown below under the subhead, “Specifically for:,” is left blank.