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July 15, 2022

Twitter FINALLY Bans The WORST Most Dangerous Account On It’s Platform (It Didn’t Want To Though)

TheQuartering [7/15/2022]

According to TheWashingtonExaminer:

A pro-abortion rights group that released the addresses of six Supreme Court justices had its Twitter account suspended on Thursday.

The group, Ruth Sent Us, published a map containing the home addresses of the justices in May a few days after a leaked draft revealed the Supreme Court was poised to overturn Roe v. Wade. As of Thursday afternoon, none of the group’s other social media accounts, including on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, have brought attention to this.

Twitter does not allow users to “engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so.”

Ruth Sent Us to shut down the website where the addresses were posted on June 9, shortly after an armed man was arrested near Kavanaugh‘s home after telling officers he wanted to kill the justice. The group denied publishing Kavanaugh’s address at the time and scoffed at the severity of the charges, tweeting: “It just wasn’t a serious assassination attempt.”

Another group targeting the same six Supreme Court justices, ShutDownDC, announced Saturday it is willing to give “$50 to anyone who gives a confirmed sighting and $200 if the Justice or Justices are in the same area 30 minutes after their location is given.” As of Thursday afternoon, its account is still up.

A Twitter spokesperson told the Washington Examiner it will respond to questions about Ruth Sent Us’s suspension in the future.

Ruth Sent Us has not responded to the Washington Examiner’s request for comment.

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