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July 14, 2023

Twitter Just DESTROYED Threads! It’s Over & Elon Musk Won! Twitter Monetization Will Change It All!

TheQuartering [7/14/2023]

According to Dataconomy:

Twitter is finally adding a new feature that will pay creators. The first Twitter ad revenue sharing payments included a total package of a couple of months, starting from February, and creators who subscribed to the Blue program with at least five million impressions were eligible for the first payouts.

Popular creators are finally receiving an update months after Elon Musk revealed that some Twitter users would be able to make money from the social media platform’s ads: the money will arrive “within the next 72 hours.”

The Twitter ad revenue sharing scheme is supported by advertisements put in tweet replies and is only accessible to users who pay for a Twitter Blue subscription. Payout payments for accounts with a few million followers have so far ranged from a few thousand dollars to almost $40,000. Twitter claims in a thread that it will increase the number of creators who are eligible later this month.

This action by Twitter is in line with its overarching objective to support content creators and give them ways to make a living off the platform directly.

Earlier this year, Twitter made it possible for individuals to charge for access to their content, giving producers a new source of income. The Twitter ad revenue sharing program is another option for creators to make money off of the platform.

It’s important to remember that Elon Musk, the entrepreneur who bought Twitter in October of last year, previously said the firm would give authors 100% of subscription revenue for the first year, excluding payment gateway fees.

Twitter ad revenue sharing is the latest feature added to the platform that helps creators get a share of Twitter’s revenue from the sponsored posts appearing under their tweets. Through this initiative, verified creators can receive a portion of the money made by adverts that are shown in comments on their posts.

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