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January 15, 2021

Twitter Staff TURNS ON Jack Dorsey & Caught On Video Promising MORE Censorship & Stock Tanks More

TheQuartering [1/15/2021]

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey got caught on video and it’s not looking great for free speech on Twitter.

According to FoxNews:

A leaked recording of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey suggests that the company’s policy enforcement actions will go far beyond banning President Trump

The right-wing guerilla news outlet Project Veritas released a clip on Thursday given to them by a purported Twitter “insider whistleblower” who secretly recorded remarks by Dorsey to staff.

“You should always feel free to express yourself in whatever format manifestation feels right,” Dorsey said in the clip. 

Dorsey, who recently addressed the controversy over his company’s decision to permanently suspend the president, told staff in a virtual meeting that Twitter will do a “full retro” that will “take some time,” but drew focus to the platform’s former most high-profile account. 

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