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April 4, 2023

Wild Video Emerges From Donald Trump Arrest! This Is A TRAP For Trump Supporters & A Total Disgrace

TheQuartering [4/4/20234]

According to TheHill:

NEW YORK — As former President Trump awaited arraignment on Tuesday inside a courthouse in lower Manhattan, dueling chants of “USA!” and “lock him up!” were fired back and forth between crowds of pro-Trump and anti-Trump demonstrators assembled in the public square across the street.

At least two helicopters hovered over the courthouse and the adjacent public park, whirring loudly and making it difficult to hear people at a conversational level. Cowbells and thumping bass from several different sets of speakers added to the intensity of the ambiance.

Trump arrived at the courthouse ahead of an arraignment expected to begin at 2:15 p.m.

He is now under arrest after entering the Manhattan courthouse and surrendering to authorities.

The former president posted on Truth Social while in a motorcade driving from his residence at Trump Tower to the courthouse.

“Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse. Seems so SURREAL — WOW, they are going to ARREST ME. Can’t believe this is happening in America. MAGA!” Trump wrote.

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