TheQuartering [4/8/2022]
A video of hundreds of protesters gathered outside of Disney headquarters in California has started to go viral on social media.
The video shows people holding up signs and placards while chanting “boycott Disney.” Posted on Wednesday evening, the video has been viewed over 400,000 times and can be seen here.
The protest was organized by Christian activist group Hold the Line and took place in Burbank, California, on Wednesday evening.
Earlier in the week, another video calling for the protest also began circulating on social media.
In the video, it showed news hosts highlighting Disney’s decision to increase its representation of LBTQ+ people in its media.
The video then shifted to show Christian protesters in the street while calling on all parents to take a stand, for the “innocence of children” against Disney at the Disney HQ on April 6.
Videos from the protest have also begun being shared on Twitter. In one video, a woman who claimed to be a Disney employee said it was becoming difficult to hold conservative values whilst working for the company.